Monday, November 23, 2015

Best Two Player Games for Couples

Okay, so this post is not really parenting-related, except for the fact that before we had kids we did not spend most of our evenings playing board and card games.  Now, this is usually how we spend time together after the kids are in bed (since we're out and about on the town, like, not at all anymore).  Playing games is more interactive than laying around watching TV, and for us at least, it's a lot more fun.  There are so many awesome games out these days-- here are five of our current favorites (in no particular order)!

1) Battle Line.  This is a card game that has elements similar to poker, chess, and rummy.  It's easy to learn and can get intense as you battle it out with your opponent to gain 5 red pawns (or 3 in a row) to win the game.    This is my husband's favorite game to play as a couple.  He beats me most of the time, so I'm extra thrilled when I can pull out a win.

2) Pente.  Pente is all skill.  You're placing pretty colored stones on a grid, trying to get five in a row or capture five pairs of your opponent's stones.  The link I've shared will take you to the version we have.  You can get a newer version for a more reasonable price, but I highly recommend getting some pretty mancala-like stones to use as your pieces, as opposed to the wooden pieces sold with the newer version.

3) Dominion.  I am borderline obsessed with this game.  It can be played with up to 4 people, but it is really fun with only 2.  Once you get past the huge instruction manual and 30+ types of cards, the game is actually really straightforward, and so much fun.  You're building your own personal deck of cards with the goal of obtaining the most victory points along the way.  It sounds more complicated and less fun that it really is.  It moves quickly and has a great balance of mostly strategy with a little bit of luck thrown in.

4) Backgammon.  Sometimes you just have to stick with a classic.  I don't have a link for our backgammon set because it's old, but they're super easy to find.  You're rolling the dice and trying to get all your guys around the board (and ultimately off the board) before your opponent.  Beware of being captured!  Good old-fashioned fun.  I recommend playing with a cozy fire in the fireplace and a hot toddy in hand.

5) Jaipur. I bought this game because it looked pretty, and it didn't disappoint in that department.  Thankfully, we also found it to be challenging, quick-moving, and fun.  You're trading resources with a shared marketplace, and there is a fine balance between trying to get the resources you need, while not opening opportunities for your opponent to get what he/she needs.  The cards are really beautiful, and collecting a big stack of coins is fun! 

Playing games in the evenings has been a great way for us to connect and have fun together after long and busy days.  I hope the same for you!  Enjoy playing!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Decorating Witch Hats!

So, Halloween weekend was super busy and fun, and I'm just now getting around to writing a quick post about it.  We had a little family Halloween get-together, and I did a witch hat decorating activity with some of the girls, ages 8, 6, 3, and 2.  I set out four $2 witch hats, along with a bunch of art supplies to decorate them with.  I decorated an extra one myself as an example.  I gave them orange and black feathers, black tulle, glow in the dark fabric paint, sparkly adhesive gems, pom poms, and glitter glue pens. 

The girls went to town decorating their hats! The biggest hits were sparkly adhesive gems and glow in the dark fabric paint. 

My mom and I used a hot glue gun to help the kids glue on the tulle, pom poms, and feathers.  They personalized their hats with whatever they wanted-- they drew their names, favorite animals, and used more fabric paint than I would have thought possible.  Their hats lit up the Halloween night!