Monday, August 31, 2015

Bringing Playdough Outside!

Big Sister (age 2), and I decided to have one last hurrah with some old playdough before throwing it out.  The colors have all been mixed together over the past few months, resulting in the appealing gray/black color you see in the pictures.

We live in the woods, so we didn't have to go far for some good messy fun.  I didn't have a solid plan for this activity, but I suggested that Big Sister find some things from nature to stick in the playdough.  She started with sticks.

She was very happy with the finished product.

  Next up, nuts.  She wanted to see how many she could squish in there.

Then, clover and herbs from the garden.

 And finally, rocks and ferns.


This was so simple and fun, we'll definitely be doing it again whenever we have old playdough.  Big Sister always loves exploring the little bits of nature surrounding our house, and this gave her something new to do with them.  Plus, it involved playdough, so it was a sure thing that it'd be a hit!